Monetizing Through RSS
For the most part this entry is spot on but also relatively generic. We have been discussing ad embedded RSS for a few years now. Never the less, this post is quite informative if you happen to be reading up on RSS monetization.
The part of the entry I find particularly interesting and not at all generic is the RSS splicing concept. I have been thinking about this for some time. Last year I had planned to launch a blog directory of sorts. My idea was to manually categorize and splice related RSS feeds and serve them up in a directory format. At the time I had not been thoroughly exposed to the social bookmarking industry or I may have considered a tagging structure.
At the time I didn’t really have the technical expertise to efficiently splice and organize feeds. I also didn’t have a development budget to outsource the project so I moved on to other things. With an RSS splicing service my project would have been much easier to develop.
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